Get Your Garage Doors Through Winter With These Maintenance Tips
Living in Canada, you know that winter is one of the most intense seasons this area of the world experiences all year. Thanks to all  the ice, snow, and sleet that accumulates during this season, you also know how important it is to winterize your home and your car to stay safe. On top of making sure your home and car are ready for intense winter conditions, it’s also important to prepare your garage doors for colder temperatures.

Even if you already have an insulated garage door, you should make sure the seals or weather-stripping around the edges of your garage doors are in good condition. Make sure you complete this task before winter gets fully underway. Know that both your garage door seals and weather stripping lose their ability to keep cold air and moisture out over time, so it’s important to replace these materials as-needed.

During the winter months, it’s also incredibly important to keep all the moving metal parts involved with the operation of your garage doors fully lubricated. Without doing so, it’s almost inevitable you’ll run into problems getting your garage doors to open and close easily when cold weather strikes.

Here at AAA Door Guys Inc., we also recommend having your garage doors inspected at some point before winter hits or sometime during the season. If you have any questions about keeping your garage door system up and running this winter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.