by Garage Doors Barrie | Jul 19, 2019 | Garage Doors Blog
Garage door openers are something that we are able to enjoy every day — often multiple times per day! With the click of a button, your garage opens up for you without you having to lift it manually. Often, we don’t notice how much we use our garage door opener...
by Garage Doors Barrie | Jan 28, 2016 | Garage Doors Blog
We can help you decide what features are best for your garage door openers in Barrie, ON. Garage door openers are basically never thought about until they malfunction or break down. While the basic technology behind these devices hasn’t changed much, refinements to...
by Garage Doors Barrie | Jan 15, 2016 | Garage Doors Blog
At AAA Door Guys Inc., we know that the average garage door opens and closes 1,500 times a year, so it’s not that much of a mystery when one day it stops functioning properly. Most garage door openers give out around their 13,000th operation, and they often die with...